
授权代理商ProLong™ Diamond Antifade Mountant试剂_2 mL

2 mL

  • 原厂型号

  • 贝雷猫货号

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  • 单件重量

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单位: 包装: 库存:
数量: 1瓶起订,增量1瓶
ProLong® Diamond Antifade Mountant is a glycerol-based liquid mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cells or tissue samples on microscope slides. ProLong® Diamond mountant is designed to provide unparalleled antifade protection across the entire visual and IR spectrums. You can use ProLong® Diamond mountant with almost any fluorescent dye or fluorescent protein (e.g., GFP, RFP, mCherry) to achieve the brightest signal and lowest background, for bright, high definition fluorescent images.

Features of ProLong® Diamond Antifade Mountant include:
• Protects fluorescent dyes and fluorescent protein from fading, across entire visible and IR spectrums
• Ready-to-use liquid that cures for longer-term storage
• Ideal for Alexa Fluor® and traditional dyes, such as FITC and Cy®3, and fluorescent proteins like GFP, RFP, and mCherry• Mounted samples are stable for months
• Maintains fluorescence signal—little to no quenching

Learn more about ProLong® Antifade mountants.

ProLong® Diamond Antifade Mountant comes already mixed and ready to use in a dropper bottle, with or without DAPI. Just apply a drop to the sample, add a coverslip, cure, and image. ProLong® Diamond mountant is a curing mountant that forms a near-perfect optical path (1.47 RI) and enables longer-term storage of your samples, while protecting them from photobleaching. ProLong® Diamond mountant does not discolor or shrink when cured and stored long term, making it possible to take high quality fluorescent images weeks or even months after mounting the slides.

Get Photobleaching Protection Across the Entire Visible and IR Spectrums
No matter which fluorescent dyes or fluorescent proteins you are using, ProLong® Diamond mountant helps provide superior protection against photobleaching. It is proven to have best-in-class performance with a wide array of fluorescent dyes, including Alexa Fluor® dyes, FITC, TRTC, Texas Red®, Cy®3, and Cy®5. ProLong® Diamond mountant does not quench fluorophores, and its ability to provide brighter signal, against no background, helps ensure that you get the best-quality, high resolution images for publishing.

Stable Signals During Imaging and for Longer-term Storage
ProLong® Diamond mountant is the ideal option for archiving samples with fluorescent dyes or fluorescent proteins. It is also an ideal option for preserving signal strength during prolonged imaging sessions, such as repeated scanning under confocal laser scanning illumination, or with super resolution microscopy. And it's easy to use—simply remove excess water from the stained sample and mount. For immediate viewing of the sample, choose our non-curing mountant, SlowFade® Diamond Antifade Mountant.

Achieve Excellent Refractive Index Matching for Crisp Images
For modern high-resolution imaging applications, refractive index (RI) matching is critical. ProLong® Diamond mountant will cure to an RI of 1.47. Additionally, this curing property means you do not need to use messy acrylic resins (i.e., finger nail polish), which can damage or ruin modern microscope objectives if it comes into contact with them.








