Better Lives.Better Planet.
颇尔 Corporation is a global leader in high-tech filtration, separation, and purification, serving the diverse needs of customers across the broad spectrum of life sciences and industry.
颇尔 Life Sciences provides cutting-edge products and services to meet the demanding needs of customers discovering, developing and producing biotech drugs, vaccines, cell therapies and classic pharmaceuticals.颇尔 offers advanced medical technologies, which are often a patient’s last line of defense from dangerous pa
- PC
- Teflon*FEP
- Teflon*FEP
- 玻璃
- 玻璃
- PP
- PS
- 0.5ml
- 1.5ml
- 1ml
- 2ml
- 5ml
- 10ml
- 12ml
- 15ml
- 16ml
- 28ml
- 30ml
- 50ml
- 85ml
- 100ml
- 38ml
- 175ml
- 225ml
- 250ml
- 可高压高温灭菌
- 无菌
- 未灭菌
- 1000支/袋/盒 8000支/箱
- 500支/袋/盒 4000支/箱
- 500支/袋 4000支/箱
- 200支/袋 4000支/箱
- 250支/袋 2500支/箱
- 180支/袋/盒 1800支/箱
- 500支/包 5000支/箱
- 25支/袋 500支/箱
- 50支/袋 500支/箱
- 25支/架 2架/袋 500支/箱
- 25支/架 500个/箱
- 25支/架 300个/箱
- 50支/架 500个/箱
- 架装
- 袋装